
What is Pedodontics (Child Dentistry)?

Preserving the health and function of baby and permanent teeth of children between the ages of 0-13 and preventing the formation of caries; It is a branch of dentistry that aims to solve the problems caused by caries, traumatic injuries, hereditary and congenital factors in the teeth, in a way suitable for children.

First Inspection

The first examination should be at the 6th month, when the first tooth erupts. The purpose here is not only to check whether the tooth has erupted properly or whether there is decay, but also to teach parents about practices such as nutrition and brushing, and to be able to recognize and correct mistakes made in these matters early.

Routine Inspection

Routine examination should be done twice a year, that is, every 6 months. In some patients who are considered at risk for dental caries, this period may be reduced to 3 months.

The most common mistake made regarding dentist visits is the application made when complaints such as pain occur regarding oral and dental health. A child complaining of pain may require extraction or root canal treatment. Performing treatments requiring anesthesia on a child who comes to the dentist for the first time upon complaint may cause the child to develop a phobia. However, with regular check-ups, it is possible to diagnose decayed teeth and treat them quickly and comfortably, without pain or infection.

Preventive Dental Treatments

Practices aimed at improving oral and dental health are carried out in the field of preventive dentistry. With these practices, problems such as cavities, gum infections and tooth loss can be prevented. With the developments in dentistry, preventing oral and dental diseases has become easier. Regular daily brushing and flossing are the basis of preventive medicine. In addition, professional care and preventive dentistry practices are needed to keep teeth strong and healthy.

Fluoride Application

Fluorine is an element found in nature, water and various foods. Fluoride prevents the formation of cavities by making the teeth more resistant to acid attacks caused by plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. With the increase in early childhood caries, topical fluoride applications have become widespread. Topical fluoride applications can be made as gel, varnish, mouthwash, etc.

Fissure Sealant

Fissure sealant is a thin coating applied to the chewing surfaces of the teeth. It is generally preferred for back teeth. The filling material infiltrates the grooves and pits on the tooth surface and helps prevent decay by preventing bacteria from adhering.

Treatments for Baby Teeth

It is not a correct thought that baby teeth will fall out anyway and therefore they do not need follow-up and treatment. When necessary, applications such as fillings, root canal treatments and crowns are performed on primary teeth. Because primary teeth are important for healthy chewing, phonation, proper orthodonic development and aesthetics. Children's teeth can quickly decay due to frequent feeding and consumption of more sugary products. Untreated bruises progress, cause severe pain and turn into abscesses.


When the decay tissue in the tooth is removed, filling material should be placed in its place. Filling treatment plays an important role in continuing the function of children's existing teeth. A variety of options are available, including tooth-colored fillings in the form of amalgam, composite, compomer, or glass ionomer.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment involves removing the pulp, which is the soft tissue inside the tooth, if it becomes infected and inflamed due to trauma or decay. The dentist removes the infected tissue from the root canals of the tooth and fills the gap with a sealable material. The restoration is completed by placing fillings or various coatings. baby canal treatment may be required for baby teeth as well as permanent teeth. The purpose of root canal treatment applied to primary teeth is to protect the underlying permanent tooth germ and to ensure that the primary tooth continues to function for a longer period of time.


If the primary teeth are damaged beyond repair or if there is an abscess, extraction of the tooth may be recommended. If a baby tooth is lost prematurely, space maintainers may be needed. The space maintainer protects the space of the extracted tooth until the permanent tooth emerges, preventing the neighboring teeth from shifting.

Stainless Steel Crowns and Zirconium Crowns

Stainless steel crowns are generally preferred for the restoration of primary teeth. Stainless steel crowns can be applied as a good temporary restoration to protect the baby tooth until the permanent tooth erupts. Baby teeth can be restored with a stainless steel crown in a single appointment. Nowadays, fabricated aesthetic zirconium crowns are widely used for front and back teeth.


Dental treatment performed through sedation aims to reduce the anxiety that may arise from the procedure. This process can be preferred with nitrous oxide or injection method. This process, known as the semi-sleep form, continues throughout the treatment and dental treatments can be performed without any problems.

General Anesthesia

Dental treatments, which are sometimes challenging even for adults, can sometimes be frightening for child patients. It can be a difficult process to receive treatment in the clinic environment, especially in the younger age group, in pediatric patients who approach dental treatments with fear, in patients with special health care needs, or in patients who cannot tolerate more than one treatment session in the clinic environment. In such cases, all dental treatments can be performed at once in a well-equipped hospital environment, an expert anesthesia team, a specialist dentist and a sterile environment. It is a treatment method that prevents children from experiencing fear and anxiety and helps prevent fear of the dentist that may occur in the future.

Proper Oral and Dental Care in Children

Gum Care in Newborns

Babies' gums need to be cleaned before their teeth erupt. The American Dental Association says that daily gum cleaning should begin within a few days after the baby is born. The parent can clean the food residues accumulated in the gums with a clean, damp cheesecloth wrapped around his finger or with commercially available newborn brushes. In this way, the baby gets used to daily oral cleaning and a healthy environment is created for future teeth by reducing the amount of bacteria in the mouth with daily gum care.


Teeth should be brushed from the moment the first tooth erupts. This corresponds to the period between approximately 6 months and 1 year of age. From the moment the tooth erupts, it is susceptible to plaque accumulation, and if this plaque is not removed by brushing, caries will occur. For babies, finger brushes or small-headed soft-bristled brushes will be sufficient. Brushing should be done twice a day for 2 minutes. The first brushing should be done in the morning after breakfast and the second brushing should be done in the evening before going to bed. Tooth brushing should be done with parental help until the age of 8-10. Training on correct brushing is given to parents and children of appropriate age by pedodontists during the examination.

Choosing Toothpaste

Brushing should always be done with paste. Paste application should be in the form of a swab for children up to 2 years of age, pea-sized for ages 2-6, and brush-length for ages 6 and above. The use of fluoride-free paste is generally not recommended; Fluoride paste suitable for the age group should be used. Parents are worried about swallowing the paste, especially in young children who cannot spit. The content of the paste, especially the pastes designed for young children, has been designed with this situation in mind and there is no cause for concern if they are swallowed in the amount of daily brushing.

Child Dental Traumas

Displacement of baby tooth

In cases where the baby tooth is completely displaced, the baby teeth are not placed back into the mouth. However, a pediatric dentist should still be consulted if a baby tooth is displaced.

Permanent tooth dislocation

In case of permanent teeth being displaced, it is very important to see a pedodontist within the first hour to prevent the loss of vitality of the tooth. Never hold the tooth by its root; if it is dirty, you can wash it under running water without touching the root surface. Afterwards, you should bring the tooth to your doctor in milk.


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