Joint Disorders


It is a term used for teeth grinding and teeth clenching habits that cause jaw joint pain. It occurs as a result of disruption of the working system of the muscles. Patients generally grind their teeth during the day, especially at night, and they also have habits such as biting nails, biting pencils, or chewing the inside of their cheeks. Genetic findings have also been found in recent studies. But stress is the biggest reason. Along with psychological support, treatment includes plate applications that can absorb biting forces, botulinum toxin (botox) and medication. treatment is done. Botox treatment should be applied to the temporal muscle along with the masseter muscle.

Snoring Prosthesis (Plate)

During sleep, the pathways through which air passes, such as the tongue, mouth, throat or nose, relax and narrow. Obstruction of air passage creates vibration in the respiratory structure, and breathing emerges as a hoarse or harsh sound known as snoring. If the sound stops and breathing stops while snoring, you have sleep apnea.
  • Ear, nose and throat anatomy disorder
  • Excess weight
  • Lifestyle and habits
  • Swelling of the uvula or soft palate
  • Allergy
  • It may occur due to reasons such as high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Since it causes life-threatening problems during the day, treatment is applied after a decision is made together with ENT doctors. The snoring plate is an apparatus that prevents the relaxation of the jaw and tongue muscles, where the lower jaw is located in front, opens the airway and regulates breathing, and at the same time provides the muscles with training and strengthening. It is also used in those who have teeth clenching and grinding problems.